The Amazing Ninja Turtles Super Villians

The amazing ninja turtles have many super villains but they all come from one super villain and that is Shredder. Shredder and Master Splinter were really good friends a long time ago but something went very wrong and what went wrong was that Shredder loved this girl but the girl didn’t love her back and one day Shredder saw the girl with Splinter and Shredder got really mad and burnt Splinter’s house.  When Shredder burnt Splinter’s house while he was in it but gladly Splinter escaped but he ran away.  when Splinter was running he saw a truck that contained toxic ooze but he did not know that so he just went from the back.  When Splinter got in he looked at the toxic ooze and picked it up but he accidentally dropped it on him and turned into a rat but before he turned into a rat he was a martial arts master so now he is a martial arts rat.  now Splinter is trying to train the ninja turtles to complete their mission and that mission is to destroy Shredder so there will be peace in the city and there won’t be anymore mutants that are strong and really ugly.   

The characteristics of the Amazing Ninja Turtles

 The characteristics of the ninja turtles are all different because they all have different abilities.  Every ninja turtle has a coloured bandanna.  Leonardo wears a blue bandanna, Donatello wears a purple bandanna, Raphael wears a red bandanna, and Michelangelo wears an orange bandanna.   Leonardo is the leader of the team and he will do anything to save them.  Leonardo uses katana blades to fight for justice.  Leonardo was the team leader because Leonardo is the wisest and he asked Master Splinter first.  Raphael is the strongest and the coolest ninja turtle in the team.  when Raphael is angry by a creature he is unstoppable with his twin sais.  Donatello is the brains and inventor for the team.  Donatello can make anything like turbo vehicles and freeze ray guns.  Donatello uses a bo staff to beat creatures.  Michelangelo is the least smartest from the team.  Michelangelo will do anything to eat pizza even if it’s a week old, month old, even a year old but it still doesn’t interfere in its bond between pizza and him.  When Donatello creates an invention he always goes to Michelangelo to test it on like a test dummy.  These are the amazing ninja turtles characteristics and their true colours.  Thank you!.

Amazing Ninja Turtles

The ninja turtles are human sized turtles as well as ninjas and physically strong.  The ninja turtles will save the city and eat pizza later and they fight robots, animals, and creatures.  The ninja turtles will do anything for their friend April and master Splinter.  Master Splinter has been training the ninja turtles to fight for justice and defeat Shredder.  Shredder will do anything to destroy Master Splinter, but the ninja turtles won’t let them destroy him.  Their friend April has been training with Masters splinter  to fight for justice like the ninja turtles.  At before April was just a regular kid like the other kids.  April was walking down the street when she saw the ninja turtles with pizza so she followed them to their sewer and then into their secret hideout.  Then master Splinter told her that she can’t tell anyone that they live there.  After that she started to go visit the ninja turtles regularly and they became very good friends so then April wanted to learn how to fight so Master Splinter said yes.  The names of the ninja turtles are Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo.  My favorite ninja turtle is Raphael.