Amazing Ninja Turtles

The ninja turtles are human sized turtles as well as ninjas and physically strong.  The ninja turtles will save the city and eat pizza later and they fight robots, animals, and creatures.  The ninja turtles will do anything for their friend April and master Splinter.  Master Splinter has been training the ninja turtles to fight for justice and defeat Shredder.  Shredder will do anything to destroy Master Splinter, but the ninja turtles won’t let them destroy him.  Their friend April has been training with Masters splinter  to fight for justice like the ninja turtles.  At before April was just a regular kid like the other kids.  April was walking down the street when she saw the ninja turtles with pizza so she followed them to their sewer and then into their secret hideout.  Then master Splinter told her that she can’t tell anyone that they live there.  After that she started to go visit the ninja turtles regularly and they became very good friends so then April wanted to learn how to fight so Master Splinter said yes.  The names of the ninja turtles are Raphael, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Leonardo.  My favorite ninja turtle is Raphael.

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